Signs that I’ve found my “person”




1. He knows how to wake me up in the morning in a way that won’t make me hate everything.


2. We not only say the same things at the same time, but we do the exact same thing at the same time as well. We’re not proud to be this close, we’re actually pretty weirded out about it.

emo-awk3. Playing games in which we have to guess the other person’s answer is completely pointless with us, because we already know the answer 99.95% of the time.

get out4. We use inside jokes around other people and forget that they don’t get it, because we spend way too much time together.

weirdos5. We both talk to/about our dogs like they’re people, and treat them as such in and out of the public eye.


6. We get equally excited about staying in bed or doing nothing all day.

let-me-sleep-for-the-love-of-god-gif7. Every adorable sitcom couple that I wanted to be like before I met him–we’re better than all of them.

jimandpamIt’s hard to put everything into words, but at least with him I don’t have to. I got really lucky that way.